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Walter McKenzie's Innovative Teaching


"For too long technology has been the tail wagging the instructional dog."
-Walter McKenzie


Professional Organizations

American Association of Physics Teachers
American Council on Education
American Federation of Teachers
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Assn for the Advancement of Computers in Education
Assn for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Assn of International Educators
Broadcast Education Association
Consortium for School Networking
Intl Drama/Theatre and Education Assn
Intl Electronic Jounral for Leadership in Learning
Intl Reading Association
Intl Society for Technology in Education
Intl Technology Education Assn
Journalism Education Assn
Natl Academies: Education
Natl Art Education Assn
Natl Assn for Humanities Education
Natl Assn for the Education of Young Children
Natl Assn for Sport and Physical Education
Natl Assn of Biology Teachers
Natl Assn of Elementary School Principals
Natl Assn of Music Education
Natl Assn of Secondary School Principals
Natl Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Natl Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
Natl Council for History Education
Natl Council for the Social Studies
Natl Council of Teachers of English
Natl Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Natl Education Assn
Natl School Boards Assn
Natl Science Foundation
Natl Science Teachers Assn
Phi Delta Kappa Intl
State Departments of Education
US Department of Education

Commercial Organizations

BBC Schools
Comcast Foundation
Digital Education Network
Discovery Channel
Discovery Education
George Lucas Educational Foundation

Harcourt Learning Site
Horace Mann Reach Every Child
IBM Education
Intel Innovation in Education
McGraw Hill
Milken Family Foundation

National Geographic
PBS TeacherLine
PBS Teachers
Pearson School
Smithsonian Education
Tom Snyder
Verizon Foundation

Innovative Teaching Copyright©1999-2009
No portion of this page may be cited, copied, reprinted or distributed without written permission.