Experience Online MI Activities
MI Overview
MI Criteria


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Core Characteristics:

  • Natural Orientation – identification with living organisms and their environments
  • Attribute Orientation – finding common traits among items
  • Categorization – identifying categories by attribute
  • Hierarchical Reasoning – ranking items by significance and relationship
  • Schematic Memory – internalizing and recalling information by attribute, category or hierarchy

Students with a strong naturalist intelligence:

  • Are intrinsically organized
  • Demonstrate an empathy with nature
  • Pick up on subtle differences in meaning
  • Like to make collections of materials
  • Enjoy sorting and organizing materials
  • Impose their own sense of order on new information
  • Respond to semantic mapping activities
  • Prefer charts, tables, diagrams and timelines

Support this intelligence in the classroom by:

  • Using graphic organizers
  • Providing sorting and attribute grouping tasks
  • Brainstorming categories
  • Charting hierarchies
  • Utilizing semantic mapping of ideas
  • Building portfolios of student work
  • Making connections to the natural world
  • Modeling strategies for finding common attributes, categories and hierarchies across the curriculum

Technologies that stimulate this intelligence:

  • Magnifying glass
  • Microscope
  • Telescope
  • Bug box
  • Scrap book
  • Sandwich bag
  • Plastic container
  • Database
  • Laserdisc
  • Floppy drive
  • File manager
  • Semantic mapping tools