"If the only tool you have is a hammer.....
everything around you looks like a nail."

Summer Olympics 2004
Volume 6, Issue 7 - March 1, 2004

presented by
Walter McKenzie
The One and Only Surfaquarium

With five months til the summer games in Athens, teachers looking for curricular tie-ins are already rearing to go. The XXVIII Olympiad returns the games to its home of Athens, and it's a great chance to energize your classroom with all the possibilities for Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, Health and Science.

There are several popular approaches teachers take in presenting a unit that prepares students for the summer games:
    • Have students research the history of the games, its traditions, past memorable moments and significant athletes

    • Have students research the city in which the games take place, give them each a travel budget, and have them develop individual itineraries to attend the games based on the budget they have

    • Have students research the events of the games, their nation's athletes participating in each event, and create a medals tracking sheet they can use to track their athletes while following the games over the summer

    • Develop Olympic events and ceremonies at school in place of a field day and have students participate for sportsmanship, excellence and medals

    • Study the Olympics as an extension of a curricular focus on ancient Greece

      One great approach to studying ancient Greece is through its architecture. What better time to consider having your class to participate in the Art & Architecture Project? Now with a rolling, open registration policy, you can have your students study your local architecture and create a virtual tour of your home town's homes and public buildings! See http://surfaquarium.com/A&A/ for details and registration!

The resources below are offered to provide the backdrop and current events materials you will need to plan and prepare an awesome Olympics unit. Enjoy!

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Next Month's Topic: "Biology Resources"


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©2004 Walter McKenzie