"A new age demands a new paradigm!"
-Walter McKenzie

Top Research Resources
Volume 9, Issue 1 - September 2006

presented by
Walter McKenzie
The One and Only Surfaquarium


Welcome Back !

As we begin our 9th year, consider subscribing to the Digital Dozen Newsletter! You'll get 12 top resources on a hot topic every week of the school year. Today's issue was on the best online resources for integrating architecture into your curriculum: reading, writing, math, science, social studies, health - every subject you teach.

Subscribe between now and October 31, 2006 and receive your copy of Walter's "A Dozen Practical Considerations for Today’s Technology Leaders"

Learn more and subscribe at http://surfaquarium.com/D12/

Top Research Resources

As the school year begins, keep this hotlist of excellent online research resources handy!

For Students:

American Fact Finder
Ask an Expert

AVS Reference Guide
Computing Dictionary
Creative Quotes

Fact Monster
Finding Data on the Internet
Flags of the World
4th & 5th Grade Resources
High School Ace
How Stuff Works


Information Please Almanac

Library of Congress Research Tools
Little Explorers
Martindale's Reference Desk
Math Reference Tables
Needle in a Cyberstack
New Way Things Work
News Trawler
New York Public Library
Population Reference Bureau
Spider's Apprentice
Statistical Abstract of the US
USPS Domestic Rate Calculator
Visual Thesaurus
Word Central
World Almanac for Kids
World Time

For Teachers:

Chronicle of Higher Education
Common Core Schools Data
Copyright for Educators
EdResearch Online
Education Finance Statistics Center
Education Journals Database
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Education Review
Education Week
Educational Leadership
Finding Information on the Internet
Indiana University Libraries
Journal of Statistics Education
Learning & Leading with Technology
MIT Libraries
National Center for Education Statistics
National Center for Policy Analysis
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Online Education and Technology Periodicals
Open Access Journals in the Field of Education
Open Directory Project
Reading Online
The Search Beat
Search Engine Watch
Teacher Research
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
Thomas Legislative Information
U.S. Census Bureau: Education
US DOE Regulations, Legislation and Policies
UCLA Digital Library
University of Texas Libraries

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©2006 Walter McKenzie
