Volume 1, Issue 2 - September 12, 2004

"The first National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day was this past Tuesday, September 7th. In recognition of this national day to help raise awareness of ADHD, this week’s issue is dedicated to the best online resources for teachers and families on the topic.

In 1902 George Still offers us the first record of a discussion of ADHD, describing hyperactive behavior in children and suggesting that a medical cause was the reason for its occurrence. In 1937, records indicate doctors first realized amphetamines could be used to reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity. In the 1960s, Stella Chess coined the term “Hyperactive Child Syndrome;” the root of which was thought to be biological. By 1980, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) identified Attention Deficit Disorder with and without hyperactivity, naming them ADHD and ADD respectively. By 1987, both disorders were recategorized underneath the heading of ADHD.

Whatever your personal beliefs are regarding diagnosis of ADHD in children, the reality is that most classroom teachers will have one or more ADHD students in the classroom at a time. Today educators are advised to stay away from the process of diagnosis and treatment, and rather develop strategies which will help the ADHD student and the classroom as a whole to function securely and successfully. This requires teachers to gather a variety of strategies which provide structure, consistency and support in a nurturing environment. While master teachers may have many experiences to draw from in meeting these challenges, for many classroom teachers working successfully with ADHD students is something they continue to aspire to.

In bringing together this collection of resources, I wanted to consider materials that would offer support to ADHD subjects, their families and teachers alike. Herein you will find materials you can share, materials you will want to hold onto for yourself, and materials you will want to revisit again and again as they are updated periodically. Surely there are many more resources available online, but I wanted to select those which avoided controversy, offered practical information and ideas, and included education as a specific focus in their delivery. I believe this week’s newsletter represents a nice cross-section of the best of the Web for educators. I hope you will find it useful as you proceed with the new school year....."

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