HOT TOPIC: Parenting
Volume 2, Issue 36 - May 28, 2006

"There are many partnerships schools form today to promote effective education, but there is perhaps no greater partnership than that with the parents of students. Engaging parents as partners proactively not only enlists their energy, talents and backing for the academic program, it opens an avenue of mutual support wherein the school can offer resources, strategies and programs to promote effective, positive parenting.

In an age of families where both parents work and children can spend much of their time in school and daycare, parenting is undergoing transformation as time and skills are being renegotiated in busy homes. What parents of past generations held as truths may no longer apply, and what still applies may not be evident to today’s parents. Parents need assistance in child rearing from preschool through high school, and schools are the first point of contact for most parents outside the home.

The Web offers a great collection of parenting resources, ready to reference and recommend to the parents in your school community. This can be done as easily as posting parenting links on your school web site, listing a hotlist in a newsletter, or republishing pertinent Web articles with permission. Many of these sites also offer mailing lists, discussion groups and ask-an-expert services that help parents interact and offer support to one another on an as-needed basis. This weeks D12 offers more than a dozen of the best parenting resources found online today."


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