HOT TOPIC: Science Fairs
Volume 1, Issue 22 - February 20, 2005

"Spring is coming and that means only one thing to thousands of science educators across the nation: science fair time! This worthy event is celebrated throughout the country as students apply their understanding of scientific principles to relevant, hands-on, real world applications. But these fairs don’t just crop up on schedule without a lot of prep work and classroom hours designing, executing and analyzing hypotheses in a simulated laboratory setting. In its truest sense, the science fair recognizes all participants as winners by the sheer fact that students complete such a sophisticated process in order to even enter their work.

This week’s resources offer you a wealth of ideas, resources and support in helping you and your students make the most of the science fair process. From examples and materials to winning strategies and higher level applications, you’ll find all kinds of goodies on these recommended sites.

I also wanted to announce to you new pricing for institutional subscriptions to the Digital Dozen. Pamela Livingston of the Peck School in New Jersey got me thinking about the best way to get the Digital Dozen in the hands of teachers. She was interested in distributing her copy of D12 to her staff, but she couldn’t budget for $10 a person when she has dozens upon dozens of staff members. She inquired and I agreed that a flat rate for an entire faculty was the solution. Thanks Pamela!

Therefore, effective immediately the flat fee for distributing the Digital Dozen to all faculty members in one building is $100.00 for the year. Likewise, the flat fee for distributing D12 to entire school district is $500.00 for the year. No limitations on size of building or district, no fine print exceptions; it’s that straightforward. If you choose to take advantage of this offer now you will have the rights to distribute all back and future issues of Volume 1.

For more information and to process your request for institutional or district subscription, please go to the D12 web site at Even if you’re not in apposition to take advantage of this significant savings, spread the word to other professionals who may be interested. And now, on to this week’s edition of top science fair resources on the Web! ….."


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