Multiple Intelligences Inventory

Copyright 1999-2017 Walter McKenzie,
The One and Only Surfaquarium

Note: This is not a test - it is a snapshot in time of an individual's perceived MI preferences.

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Part I

Complete each section by placing a “1” next to each statement you feel accurately describes you. If you do not identify with a statement, leave the space provided blank. Then total the column in each section.


Section 1

_____  I enjoy categorizing things by common traits

_____  Ecological issues are important to me

_____  Classification helps me make sense of new data

_____  I enjoy working in a garden

_____  I believe preserving our National Parks is important

_____  Putting things in hierarchies makes sense to me

_____  Animals are important in my life

_____  My home has a recycling system in place

_____  I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology

_____  I pick up on subtle differences in meaning


_____  TOTAL for Section 1




Section 2


_____  I easily pick up on patterns

_____  I focus in on noise and sounds

_____  Moving to a beat is easy for me

_____  I enjoy making music

_____  I respond to the cadence of poetry

_____  I remember things by putting them in a rhyme

_____  Concentration is difficult for me if there is background noise

_____  Listening to sounds in nature can be very relaxing

_____  Musicals are more engagingto me than dramatic plays

_____  Remembering song lyrics is easy for me


_____  TOTAL for Section 2




Section 3


_____  I am known for being neat and orderly

_____  Step-by-step directions are a big help

_____  Problem solving comes easily to me

_____  I get easily frustrated with disorganized people

_____  I can complete calculations quickly in my head

_____  Logic puzzles are fun

_____  I can't begin an assignment until I have all my "ducks in a row"

_____  Structure is a good thing

_____  I enjoy troubleshooting something that isn't working properly

_____  Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied


_____  TOTAL for Section 3




Section 4  


_____  It is important to see my role in the “big picture” of things

_____  I enjoy discussing questions about life

_____  Religion is important to me

_____  I enjoy viewing art work

_____  Relaxation and meditation exercises are rewarding to me

_____  I like traveling to visit inspiring places

_____  I enjoy reading philosophers

_____  Learning new things is easier when I see their real world application

_____  I wonder if there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe

_____  It is important for me to feel connected to people, ideas and beliefs


_____ TOTAL for Section 4




Section 5


_____  I learn best interacting with others

_____  I enjoy informal chat and serious discussion

_____  The more the merrier

_____  I often serve as a leader among peers and colleagues

_____  I value relationships more than ideas or accomplishments

_____  Study groups are very productive for me

_____  I am a “team player”

_____  Friends are important to me

_____  I belong to more than three clubs or organizations
_____  I dislike working alone


_____ TOTAL for Section 5




Section 6


_____  I learn by doing
_____  I enjoy making things with my hands

_____  Sports are a part of my life

_____  I use gestures and non-verbal cues when I communicate

_____  Demonstrating is better than explaining

_____  I love to dance

_____  I like working with tools

_____  Inactivity can make me more tired than being very busy

_____  Hands-on activities are fun

_____  I live an active lifestyle


_____ TOTAL for Section 6




Section 7


_____  Foreign languages interest me
_____  I enjoy reading books, magazines and web sites

_____  I keep a journal

_____  Word puzzles like crosswords or jumbles are enjoyable

_____  Taking notes helps me remember and understand

_____  I faithfully contact friends through letters and/or e-mail

_____  It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others

_____  I write for pleasure

_____  Puns, anagrams and spoonerisms are fun

_____  I enjoy public speaking and participating in debates


_____ TOTAL for Section 7



Section 8


_____  My attitude effects how I learn
_____  I like to be involved in causes that help others
_____  I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs

_____  I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject

_____  Fairness is important to me

_____  Social justice issues interest me

_____  Working alone can be just as productive as working in a group

_____  I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it

_____  When I believe in something I give more effort towards it

_____  I am willing to protest or sign a petition to right a wrong


_____ TOTAL for Section 8



Section 9


_____  Rearranging a room and redecorating are fun for me

_____  I enjoy creating my own works of art

_____  I remember better using graphic organizers

_____  I enjoy all kinds of entertainment media

_____  Charts, graphs and tables help me interpret data

_____  A music video can make me more interested in a song

_____  I can recall things as mental pictures

_____  I am good at reading maps and blueprints
_____  Three dimensional puzzles are fun
_____  I can visualize ideas in my mind


_____ TOTAL for Section 9





Part II


Now carry forward your total from each section and multiply by 10 below:



Total Forward











































Part III


Now plot your scores on the bar graph provided:

















































































































Sec 1


Sec 2


Sec 3


Sec 4


Sec 5


Sec 6


Sec 7


Sec 8


Sec 9












































Part IV



Section 1 – This reflects your Naturalist strength

Section 2 – This suggests your Musical strength

Section 3 – This indicates your Logical strength

Section 4 – This illustrates your Existential strength

Section 5 – This shows your Interpersonal strength

Section 6 – This tells your Kinesthetic strength

Section 7 – This indicates your Verbal strength

Section 8 – This reflects your Intrapersonal strength

Section 9 – This suggests your Visual strength




  • Everyone has all the intelligences!
  • You can strengthen each intelligence!
  • This inventory is meant as a snapshot in time - it can change!
  • MI is meant to empower, not label learners!



Click here for a printer friendly version of this inventory
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Intelligence Overview | Intelligence Criteria | Intelligence Profiles | Intelligence Domains | Intelligence Immersion


Copyright © 1999-2017 Walter McKenzie, The One and Only Surfaquarium
This survey may be printed, used and/or modified by educators as long as the copyright tag remains in tact.

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