Welcome to the new school year - the seventh year of the Innovative Teaching Newsletter! Thanks to all of you who have showed continued interest and support in its publication. Innovative Teaching and the Surfaquarium continue to be free, open resources to educators everywhere. In addition to these commercial-free, unbiased sources of links and original materials, I am also launching a subscription newsletter for the first time this Fall:
The Innovative Teaching Digital Dozen will publish its premier issue as a new weekly newsletter in two weeks - September 5th. There's still time to subscribe and receive the inaugural issue in your email box when it is published! All proceeds go to support my work at the Surfaquarium. I hope you'll consider subscribing to the Digital Dozen in addition to your free monthly ITN mailing! Please visit http://surfaquarium.com/DD/ to learn more, peruse a sample issue and subscribe. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
The beta test of Surfaquarium Online Courses is complete! Projects are in and I am working on course evaluations for the participants as I write. Thanks to each of you who expressed an interest in helping to pilot this project! I've collected lots of excellent feedback and we are ready to launch the first sections of MI Immersion: A Survey of Nine Intelligences and Ways of Knowing: Multiple Intelligences and Technology. Please consider taking part this Fall - registration is open now at http://surfaquarium.com/MI/Courses/!
I hope the links below will offer you something you can immediately put to use in your classroom as your students arrive!
AnimAction targets children of all ages to help them develop effective communication skills and address critical social issues through the creation and production of short animated films.
Literary Calendar
Important literary events from throughout history. Set up a free account and have access to all kinds of downloads, resources and activities. Great for English teachers at the secondary level and their students!
Digital History
Supports the teaching of American History in K-12 schools and colleges; rich in information and resources on all aspects of US History. Check out the ask a hyperhistorian link!
GPS, Map and Compass
USGS site with all kinds of information and guidelines for using GPS in the classroom. Includes web sites, step by step plans and ways to bring GPS coordinates into a GIS.
Montessori Math
These five games use Shockwave 8 to creative dynamic screens your students can manipulate to understand the algorithms of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the philosophy espoused by Maria Montessori.
Map 24
Originating in Germany , this web site offers interactive mapping, with the ability to manipulate the map to see districts and neighborhoods, calculate radius distances and plan trips.
Math Blues
Updated weekly with math news, problem-solving tips, biographies of famous mathematicians, math trivia, and more; an alternative to textbook-style math education that emphasizes problems most students find conceptually difficult.
Math and Reading Help for Kids
Targeting 7th grade – this is a collection of top resources for parents and educators who work with students struggling in reading and/or math. Great to have handy when looking for resources to share at conferences, in newsletters, and with colleagues.
NoodleTools is a suite of interactive tools designed to aid students and teachers with their online research, from selecting a search engine and finding relevant sources, to citing those sources in MLA and/or APA format.
Open Video Project
The purpose of this project is to make available a repository of digitized video content for educational and research communities.
Anyone involved in education can create and maintain an individual SchoolBlog here free of charge. The process is simple, taking a matter of seconds to create an online writing space.
2004 National CyberConvention
Registration closes September 4th! Classes from every state study the candidates and issues and participate in an online convention prior to our national elections. The project is especially in need of classes from Colorado, Hawaii, Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota and Utah.
Subscribe Today!
Premier Issue September 5, 2004!