Subscribe to the Digital Dozen Newsletter for $25!
Issue one comes out tomorrow, September 4, 2005
Topic: Hurricanes
Join the Digital CoP before Labor Day and save $25.00!
Join the Digital CoP by October 30, 2005 will be registered for the opportunity
to be the winner of a free full day's face-to-face workshop by Walter for your school!
Registration is now open and the drawing will be held on November 27, 2005.
Welcome to the new school year - the eighth year of the Innovative Teaching Newsletter! Thanks to all of you who have showed continued interest and support in its publication. Innovative Teaching and the Surfaquarium continue to be free, open resources to educators everywhere.
With the 8th year comes a new streamlined format: a monthly collection of links on a topic without annotations or limitations. Instead of a short list of links, each month you will receive an extensive hotlist ready to explore and incorporate into your professional life. I hope you will appreciate the wealth of resources offered each month through ITN!
Of course, if you'd like to take the newsletter to the next level, I highly encourage you to subscribe to the Digital Dozen Newsletter (D12). D12 offers a list of twelve links oin a hot topic every week of the school year - forty issues in all! And at $25 for the year, that's less than sixty-three cents an issue. Please join us in the second year of the D12 newsletter - you'll be glad you did!
I hope the links below will offer you something you can immediately put to use in your classroom as your students arrive. Here's to a great school year ahead!
Inexpensive ~ Completely Online ~ Project-Based ~ Built for Success!
Find More Great Resources at &
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