A Sampling of Walter's Presentations

Are You Ready for the Next Wave Technology Integration?
Walter works interactively with his audience to review the first twenty years of technology in education and then looks at the next phase of insturctional technology based on our lessons learned.

Blogging in Education
An introduction to blogging that includes six different instructional applications for this new tool for instruction.

Building Bridges: 21st Century Skills
A hands-on exploration of multiple intelligences theory and its potential to invigorate instruction.

Digital Guilds: Online Learning Communities
A discussion of the pedagogy and practice for effectively delivering instruction online.

The eIditarod
An overview of the rationale and instructional objectives for the project, now entering its sixth year online.

Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology Keynote
Walter's vision for MI and technology's power to transform education in the Information Age.

Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology Workshop
A hands-on exploration of multiple intelligences theory and its potential to invigorate instruction.

Virtual Field Trips
A practical step-by-step session on crafting original VFTs that are aligned with curriculum standards.

Used in a day-long workshop on the theoretical and practical considerations for teacher-developed webquests.

©2007 Walter McKenzie