What Can I Expect from Walter?
As a veteran online course facilitator, you can expect Walter to plan for an exceptional learning experience in this course. He has set up the Blackboard course environment to be user-friendly and intuitive. He also regularly updates the course resources to make sure they are current and relevant to your studies.
In addition to planning for a rich course experience, Walter will provide the following during the ten weeks of the class:
- Daily presence on the course discussion board, promoting interaction among students and facilitating meaningful discussion on the course content.
- Daily access via email to receive and respond to your ideas, insights and questions.
- Weekly office hours during which you may discuss the course content, ask for clarification of assignments, and receive assistance in your learning in real time via Blackboard's virtual classroom environment.
- Guidance and support for your course project as it evolves over the ten weeks of the class.
- Formative and summative feedback on your progress during the course.
- A weekly letter which greets and introduces you to the key ideas and tasks for the week.
- A weekly suggested pacing to help you manage your course work in addition to your other real-world responsibilities.
- Engaging discussion and probing questioning which promotes deeper understanding of course concepts.
- Web-based resources which augment the course content.
- Walter's expertise in integrating multiple intelligences and technology, which enriches and extends the course material.
- Opportunities for input and feedback in your course experience, including a midterm self-assessment.
- A detailed end of course rubric evaluation accompanied by a narrative assessment of your work.
- A printable course certificate indicating your successful completion of the course.