Design an MI-infused, Technology-based Unit!

Learn a comprehensive model for developing 21st century units of instruction, Integrating multiple intelligences & technology! This intensive five week course offers the ideas, resources and support to develop your own original unit ~ ready to use in the classroom!

The Information Age is upon us and with it comes new demands on educators. Today's students will work in a world where information is the coin of the realm and those who know how to work with it effectively will be the most successful. They will have to collaborate, think flexibly, create solutions to existing problems and create new ways of delivering information to consumers. The classroom will need to reflect these demands so that students can develop these skills through practical, meaningful experiences. How can educators find the time and resources to meet these new demands?

Building Bridges offers a unit model which is built to accommodate and integrate our evolving understanding about learning at the dawn of the Information Age. Allowing for all of the different student orientations to learning, Building Bridges empowers teachers by integrating state and national standards through a wealth of rich, real world, authentic tasks. Technology provides opportunities to extend these learning experiences across all the domains of learning within the classroom and to worlds beyond the traditional scope of the classroom. The result is a myriad of opportunities for wonder moments – those incredible learning experiences we keep with us for a life's time.

In this CoP you will work with me to develop a fully integrated unit that is ready to use in the classroom, from overarching concept to final student assessment, chocked full of activities and resources that stiumulate all the intelligences!