Ways of Knowing: Multiple Intelligences and Technology is a rigorous ten week postgraduate professional CoP which brings together current research on the brain, instructional design, learning theory and technology to present a sound theoretical and practical framework for integrating technology into the curriculum.
The CoP is built to foster a community of online learners in which each student contributes his or her professional expertise and experience to help build new understandings. Emphasis is on participation in online class discussion and on the final course project.
The CoP text is Walter's first book, Multiple Intelligences and Instructional Technology (2nd ed, (ISTE, 2005). Each week students will complete course readings, participate in online discussion based on those readings, and complete assignments which build towards a course project for the course: a ready-to-implement lesson, unit of project which integrates multiple intelligences theory and instructional technology into instruction.
Upon successful completionof Ways of Knowing, each participant will receive a certificate for 40 seat hours of work suitable for professional develop credit with your school district.