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Accommodate all the intelligences in your classroom!

Learn a new format for planning to map to all the intelligences through instruction!

A new age demands a new paradigm! In recognition of this, Walter offers educators a new approach to delivering learning experiences: the Intelligence Quest, or IQuest. The IQuest addresses all the intelligences identified in the pioneering work of Dr. Howard Gardner while providing a clear structure and specific goals for your twenty-first century classroom. Whether you are known among your colleagues as being on the leading edge of new instructional techniques or you are cautious to adopt new ideas at first, the IQuest can help you to restructure your approach from simple read and response activities to full-fledged technology-infused projects.

Evolving out of Walter's earlier work integrating multiple intelligences and technology into instruction, the IQuest utilizes three instructional domains of intelligence, allowing you to organize and plan for them in specific sequences. You will be able to craft learning experiences that provide all the necessary conditions for learning in the information age, allowing students make connections across the intelligences, across subject areas, across technologies to the real world working definition of information age productivity.